Application created to show in blog form the issues created within a gihub repository.
Tech stack : React - Vite - Styled ComponentsApplication to simulate a page that provides news by subscription, where you can follow the published content, and see previews
Tech stack : NextJs - Next Auth - SASS - FaunaDB - StripeApplication to manage a shopping cart for a fictitious coffee shop, using the concept of flux architecture.
Tech stack : React - Styled Components - Zod - ImmerFrontend challenge that consists in create a landing page consuming REST API, and log a user in.
Tech stack : NextJs - Styled Components - React ToastifyApplication to manage your to-dos, created with React and using CSS modules
Tech stack : ReactJs - TypeScript - CSS Modules - ViteApplication that generates a countdown timer going to 5 minutes until 60 minutes.
Tech stack : React - Zod - Styled Components - Flux architecture - Immer